I’m open for collaboration! If you have amazing ideas or special wishes and would like to work with me, feel free to get in touch by using the contact form.
I like taking on challenges and learn new things.
Here and there, I design and make costumes for different art projects.
Some time ago, I have created a couple of outfits for a wonderful artist Dorothee Golz and her Digital Paintings project.
Dorothee Golz “Vorstadtmodell” Dorothee Golz “Fahrradbotin” Dorothee Golz “Herr Martin”
On another occasion, I have made costumes for different performance art projects for a great performance artist Lars Moritz.
Lars Moritz as Walrus Lars Moritz, Mars Project Lars Moritz, Mars Project
I’m also very excited to create custom-made designs — write me if you need a one of a kind wedding dress, exquisite ball gown, elegant business attire, or a lovely dress for that night out. Check out custom clothing page for more info.

I’m looking forward to our collaboration and would love to hear from you soon. Love, Alja